Founder and lead pastor of Hope In Numbers, Gordon Wickert is pursuing the mission to lead people in transforming every number seen into a timely, powerful verse from scripture that can be applied daily so nothing can separate people from the living word of God. He is an empowering leader who provides inspirational teaching and visionary leadership. Gordon has worked as a youth Pastor for 11 years and Graduated from the Vineyard Institute in 2005. He is the author of the book Hope In Numbers. He lives in Peoria, Arizona with his wife Cindy, and has 5 kids including his 4 daughters Ky, Emily, Hope and Hallelujah as well as his son Andrew James who recently passed on into eternity with the Lord on 7/1/22.

Hope In Numbers will transform the way you see, recognize and memorize bible verses. In every street sign, clock, license plate, or any number in the world for that matter, there is a promise from God waiting to be unveiled. Hope In Numbers is committed to training you to see God’s inspired Word in every number out in the world. Your life will be blessed at every hour of the day as you learn to transform your mind by the renewing of it in seeing H.O.P.E. (Holding Onto Promises Everywhere) In Numbers.

Memorizing bible verses is not a new practice, but a very old practice, as Jesus memorized many scriptures Himself. Yet, this is an upgraded way to memorize Bible verses and remember the promises that God has for believers. This is designed to help get the Word back into the schools, work places, in daily conversations at the supermarket, and at your homes with your families. It can never be abolished or taken away because you will see Hope in numbers, but others cannot, for the world cannot take down numbers. It is becoming a powerful new way to witness to others your faith through the power of God’s Holy Scripture through purchase receipts, birth dates, phone numbers, sports jerseys, and so much more!

Hope In Numbers will give you an opportunity to start a bible study at any time of the day with whomever comes into your presence. Recite verses while you drive, while you walk, while you work, while you work out, or even while you relax and watch TV. Have you ever wished to spark a conversation with a checkout clerk and didn’t know what you could say? Take a look at your receipt and give an encouraging word to change the direction of their day and refresh their soul. Having a bad day? Look and see what time it is to receive some Hope that never fails!

Let us help the world to start seeing Hope In Numbers one number, one verse, one person at a time! Let us take this world back for Jesus through seeing Hope In Numbers!